Adoration: The call, acceptance and response to God.
Community: Love and caring for each other as members of the body of Christ.
Theology: Study of our faith through scripture.
Service: To God, each other and our parish family.
MISSION: To achieve this goal we sponsor three-day weekend lay retreats, which are patterned after the description of the early church in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2: 42-47). The purpose of the weekend is to invite the retreatant to a new relationship with our Lord and fellow parishioners through Adoration and daily prayer; through Community in one’s parish as a member of the body of Christ; through Theology encouraging an intellectual and spiritual growth that gives fruits in our daily lives; and finally to encourage a spirit of Service to our Lord, our parish and each other. Participants experience God’s love and joy through the weekend, return to their faith community with a deeper love for each other and an increased desire to become more involved in their parish community. This mission is continued and enhanced by scheduled gatherings of the ACTS community, prayer groups and by evangelizing or service projects. --ACTS Charter, page 1