I invite all adults of voting age to come Thursday, Oct. 24th in Kolbe Hall, 7 pm-8 pm to hear a presentation “What is our role as Catholics when voting?” by Fr. John Bullock, LC. He is a Legionnaire of Christ priest who is a dynamic speaker & will unpack Catholic moral teachings in the U.S. Bishops’ document on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. He will reflect on this U.S. Bishops’ document on the moral principles that should guide Catholic citizens in their voting. Fr. Bullock recently gave this talk at Prince of Peace Church. I heard it was well done, and he has agreed to give this talk here. I encourage you to invite others to come with you to this talk. As the U.S. Bishops state: “Catholic teaching challenges voters & candidates, citizens & elected officials, to consider the moral & ethical dimensions of public policy issues #92.” Come & hear how Fr. Bullock unpacks these moral dimensions. To read the document Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, tab here. I encourage you to read especially the summary, pp. 41-43.
Fr. Lawrence W. Jozwiak, Pastor