M-F, June 10 - 14, 2024 9:00am - 12:15pm
We are excited to be able to offer Kamp Kolbe VBS this year. We will meet in the mornings for one week of FUN - games, snack, music, faith lessons and more!!
Cost is $40 per child.
Check-in the first day, Monday may be busy. There will be pre-check-in on Sunday, June 9 from 1-3pm. Please bring your child in on the first day.
T-F will have a drop off, but DO NOT DROP OFF UNLESS A VOLUNTEER IS THERE TO ESCORT THE CHILD INSIDE. Pick up ALWAYS requires the parent to come in.
We will NOT take registrations after Sunday, June 2, 2024.
Registration is closed. If you have a question or concern, contact Molly Smith